Alive Ballet Company and Alive Contemporary Dance Company are looking for new dancers (Adult amateur) to join us next term. We will be rehearsing from September with shows in November

“Seasons of Joy” Embark in this magnificent celebration of the seasons. Trully magical! Choreographers: Rejane Garcia and Nina Monteiro Directed by DanceAlive 1st show @ 5:30pm Click here to

“Let me tell you something…” A triple bill show with choreographies from Mariana Camiloti and Rejane Garcia in collaboration with singer songwriter Anna Dwyer. Experimental work by Alive dancers who

It is a long weekend of dance workshops and relaxation in a paradisiac island in Italy. Combine two passions in one with dance and travel. The dance retreat offers exciting
Alive Contemporary Dance Company II launching soon. Email us to find out about how to join!
Scratch Night is a special evening for dancers to perform their own work and show their choreographic skills. Next one is booked for 17th February at CBAT from 8pm. Free
Alive Contemporary Dance Company outstanding performance last Saturday was breathtaking! View more here

Alive Ballet Company is launching soon. The amateur company will rehearse and perform repertoires of all major ballets. Having an artistic approach and a vibrant team this company offers the